Monday 7 May 2012

The Pinnacles


The Pinnacles Dessert is another place in Australia where you see nature at its best and you need to ask yourself why here? Like a lot of these places scientists and geologists have put forward their theories but it seems here there are different ideas as to what the Pinnacles are. One theory is the sandstone columns have been formed and buried for Millions of years and now they are slowly being exposed by the wind! The other theory is they are fossilised tree roots from millions of years ago! I go with the first theory!

Overlooking the area of the Pinnacles.

 We called in here 12 years ago and since then they have added an entry gate where you need to pay the $11 N.P entry fee, a nice looking discovery centre, flushing toilets and a huge car park.  We were wrapped that they still allowed you to drive your car in and around the pinnacles, they have just made it that you follow a track and not drive anywhere you want to!!

Another thing that has happened since our last visit is the building of a new HWY. It is called The Great Indian Ocean HWY which now allows you to drive up the coast line from Lancelin to Cervantes and it has opened up and created much more tourism to the small fishing towns along this route. It has also made the Pinnacles an easier place to get to and over Easter the Pinnacles had 700 cars a day visit them!!  Prior to this road you had to turn off the Brand HWY and drive over 50km to get to them.

We stayed at Cervantes for two nights and did a day trip to the Pinnacles. Unfortunately the day we got into Cervantes Charlie had Gastro so we had a quiet day while he rested.

We are starting to really understand the frustration my parents and a lot of other people who travelled this country 30 odd years ago feel.  With progress comes change, some for the better, some not, and with change comes costs and it really starts getting annoying when there is a charge/ costs at every “natural” occurring formation. We bought an Annual N.P Pass for Western Australia when we got to Esperance, it was $80 and we have gotten our money worth but it still frustrates us at all the times you are asked to pay up!! This country is not cheap to see so we are grateful we are doing this now and not in another 10 years! Yes, I feel better now, I have had my gripe!!

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